This cheat sheet contains the entire menu map of the voicemail audio menus for the VIP platform.
Getting to your Voicemail Audio Menu using your desk phone:
• On a desk phone: Press the MESSAGE button
• On VIP Mobile: On the Dial Pad, tap the voicemail button (if present)
• You can dial your organization’s Voicemail Pick Extension. Ask your Crexendo Administrator for this extension number (usually 5001).
Once you reach the voicemail system, it will ask you for your PIN. If you haven’t changed it yet, your PIN is: 1234
After you enter your PIN, the system will announce a voicemail summary stating the number of new and saved messages.
Anatomy of a Voicemail
When listening to your voicemails, by default each one has this format:
Voicemail Header
When the header plays, you will hear the following:
• To skip the header, and go directly to the voicemail message, press: [any key]
• While listening to any voicemail message, the Playback Menu is in effect which is shown on the next page. Some options in that menu will cause the system to jump to the end of the message and play the “After Menu”.
Menu Map
After you enter your PIN and hear your voicemail summary, the main menu is available to you as shown below: Skip to End?