Microsoft Teams Integration:
Thank you for your purchase of the Microsoft Teams integration. To begin this process, we need to gather some information from your Microsoft Administrator to allow your organizations Microsoft Teams to use Crexendo VoIP services.
Microsoft Licensing:
The Integration will require each Teams User have a Microsoft Office User License and a Microsoft Phone System, or comparable license. Some Microsoft packages provide both, but most require the phone add-on license to be purchased separately. You will need 1 additional license then your order to complete the integration.
(10 users will require 11 licenses for the setup)
Please confirm that your users have one each of the licenses from each group on this link:
Group A: (most common) will need one Microsoft User license and one phone add-on license. See the attached list of acceptable licenses. Ensure there is one of each license assigned to all planned users of the Integration, plus one of each license available and unassigned to be used during Direct Routing setup.
Group B: will only need one license because both services are included. See the attached list of acceptable licenses. Ensure there is an extra license available and unassigned to be used during Direct Routing setup.
Once the licenses have been secured and added to the individual users, our next steps are to begin enabling our services on your Office 365 Instance.
Beginning the Setup:
1. Our Team will be sending an email invitation to our connection software to the Microsoft Enterprise Admin to start the integration setup. You can follow the steps here to know more about the setup of the integration:
2. Once the invitations have been accepted, your MS Office instance will be asked to
connect to our TEAMMATES EPP system:
3. After all of the above is completed, the next step for your team is to set up the Direct Routing. This will act as the connection between your MS Office Domain and The Crexendo VoIP System.
4. Upon completion of the above steps, our team will verify that we see all of the connections within our integration and begin the process of creating, connecting, and licensing out the users and permissions from our integrations side.
5. Please note that our team may take up to 48 hours to configure users, as the Microsoft Server user, and MS Teams propagation will take some time to configure each user.
6. Our team will send an email, upon completion of the users being successfully integrated into the system, and for you to confirm the changes on your end by signing into the system and syncing over the new settings and configurations for each user:
7. After the sync with the teams server is complete, the final steps are to enable and allow calling on each user. You can find the steps to complete this step in this article here:
8. Your MS Admin will then need to create the Custom application to connect TEAMS and Crexendo together. This is just a quick process of naming the application and allowing it to connect to your instance of MS Teams:
9. Next, you will need to add the TEAMS App to each user's individual MS TEAMS instance. This has to be done by the Enterprise admin, or by the MS TEAMS admin, as it may require an admin password to complete the installation.
10. Once all the users have the custom app installed and see the Calls Icon appear on the left side column you are ready to use your new Crexendo MS TEAMS softphone.