Use this procedure to enable to Softphone widget for a user's Crexendo Communicator.
Log into an admin account of the customer:
- In the USERS folder select the user
- On the PERMISSIONS tab. check following checkboxes
- Soft Phone
- Cloud Communicator
- Cloud Communicator Premium
Log into the portal of that user:
Login as the user by highlighting the user and doing a right click on your mouse.
- In the OPTIONS drop down menu (upper right), select CLOUD COMMUNICATOR
- Click the gear button (upper right)
- Select CONFIG
- Select the gear and the extension will appear so you can select the extension.
- Select the DIRECTORY tab
- check the box labeled (Show Active Users on top)
- Right-click the CORPORATE DIRECTORY and click ACTIVE.
- Select the CALL PARK EXTENSIONS tab.
- Select the gear and then click ADD EXTENSIONS.
- You can now add the Call Park extensions.
- Part 3
- Create an extension in the extension folder for the user in question.
- Part 4:
- Select the device folder and locate the newly created soft Phone (SEE ATTACHED SCREEN SHOT FOR EXAMPLE).
- Select the device and assign the newly created extension.
Now the user can use the URL, if they have not set up their portal credentials it will prompt them to do so at that time. Otherwise they will get a screen to Log/In.