1. In Crexendo Communicator, move the mouse over a feature pane's grey header. The curser changes into a move icon . Now, click and drag the feature pane into any other area of the screen. Release the click to drop it in the new location.
2. To adjust the height or width, move the mouse over one of the feature pane's border lines. The curser changes into a black arrow. The arrow points in the direction of its place in the feature pane. For instance, this arrow appears when moving a bottom feature pane border (either taller or shorter) and this arrow appears when moving a left feature pane border (either wider or narrower).
3. To remove a feature pane from view, click on the minus icon . The removed pane can be accessed again by clicking on the header label now located at the top of the screen, or by clicking on the window icon to reset the entire layout.
3. Rearrange feature panes in any layout. Changes are saved automatically and the new layout will appear at the next login.
4. To reset any layout changes at any time, click on the window icon and the layout will reset to the default.