Crexendo Communicator is the latest version of Cloud Communicator. Introducing more customizations to meet each user's unique needs, the ability to easily connect to a soft phone, and the option to view QuickConnect conversations -- all this from one screen.
Access it here,
Or, from the portal, click on Options and select "Crexendo Communicator".
Google Chrome is the only supported browser at this time.
The first time Crexendo Communicator is in Chrome, choose whether to allow or block Communicator notifications when offscreen. This built-in Chrome feature can be enabled or disabled at any time.
The first time Soft Phone is used, choose to enable the microphone in order to hear the phone call through the computer's speakers or head phones. This built-in Chrome feature can be enabled or disabled at any time.
The following widgets are available options in the Crexendo Communicator dashboard. Each user may have a different set of permissions (access is granted or revoked using the Crexendo Portal), in which case not all of the following widgets may be seen. In this article, the widgets are listed in the default screen order from left to right; however, the layout is customizable and each widget can be minimized, closed, or moved (either through the gear icon toggle menu or directly on the widget itself).
Soft Phone
Type or click an external phone number or choose a Personal Extension from the dropdown list. Users can only view Personal Extensions within their account. The number in the left-hand corner of this widget is the currently selected Personal Extension that the calls are ringing to and being dialed from. If there is a red circle indicator next to the number, the connection is not active and no calls can be made or received from the soft phone. Possible causes are no Internet connection or an improperly configured number. A green indicator circle represents a successful connection.
Click on the gear icon in this widget to customize soft phone sound settings. Choose whether or not to play a keynote when dialing a phone number, to play a ring on outbound calls, and to play a ring on inbound calls.
If there is a number badge next to the voicemail icon, it represents the number of unread voicemails. This is the Message Waiting Indicator. Click the indicator to view SneakPeek (visual voicemail). Partial transcription is displayed for each message and full transcription is displayed by hovering or clicking on the voicemail. Choose to play the audio, return the call, and/or delete the voicemail.
Read voicemails are shaded in grey and unread voicemails are shaded in white. If SneakPeek is disabled, only audio playback options are available. When SneakPeek is enabled, it is not retroactive. Voicemails received when SneakPeek was disabled will still not be transcribed. Only future voicemails after SneakPeek is enabled will be transcribed.
View currently parked phone calls, pickup a parked call, or choose to forward an active call to park. All parked calls are in a system wide hold. Any member in the Call Park Extension, whether they are on mobile, at home, or in their cubicle, can pickup the call.
Moderators view Conference Extensions on this widget. During an active conference call, moderators can forward callers here (or click and drag a user's name from the directory), up to a maximum of 20 participants. Each conference can be held with individuals who have Personal Extensions on a Crexendo system or with individuals outside of a Crexendo system (only if the extension is associated with a public phone number).
During an active conference, moderators have the following options: lock and unlock the conference to prevent or allow additional participants, mute or unmute all participants, and mute or unmute non moderators. Next to a participant's name, moderators can click to mute/unmute specific callers or to "kick" them from the call. When a participant is removed from the call, they will hear a message saying, "You have been kicked from this conference" and then their call will disconnect.
Participants cannot see the Conference widget or view the active status of a conference call. Participants can still forward someone to the conference using their phone forward function. During an active conference, participants have the following options: mute/unmute directly from their device and leave the call by hanging up. For participants, the conference call is only visible from Crexendo Communicator if they are on the call from a Crexendo device. In this case, the call would be in the Active Calls widget.
Active Calls
View incoming and outgoing call information. Users have the ability to transfer, hangup, or mute a call from this screen. Users can also drag and drop active calls into a Call Park Extension or into a voicemail box of a directory member extension. Premium Users can screen pop caller information.
View ACD Extensions here. Users have the ability to view all ACD Extensions in which they are an agent and view their current status: ready (available to take a call), not ready, or a customized label.
Select an ACD Extension to view statistics: agents logged in, idle agents, calls in queue, calls being served, current wait time, average wait time, average talk time, callback calls, received calls, answered calls, abandoned calls, and overflow calls. Customize how often statistics are refreshed (disabled, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 5 minutes) and which time period to view (today, yesterday, [the past] 30 minutes, [the past] 1 hour, 6 hours, or 24 hours). A single day begins at midnight Mountain Standard Time. Additionally, change the status of all agents in an ACD Extension at once.
QuickConnect is billed by user. Its purpose is for users within the same company to communicate more efficiently with one another. It is not intended for outside communication. Users are able to share files such as a power point, excel worksheet, or an image. Teams are able to share, organize, and assign to-do lists.
Chat options are Group Conversation, Direct Message, Transfer Conversations, and SMS Conversation. A Group Conversation chat is between multiple users. Each user's chosen avatar, or image, will appear at the top of the conversation. A Direct Message chat is between two users. Each user will see the other user's avatar, or image, at the top of the conversation. A Transfer Conversations chat transfers all of the sender's chat records to the selected recipient. Once a transfer is complete, the sender's timeline will be empty. The sender will no longer be able to view previous chat conversations. This is intended for users that have been terminated or have resigned. An SMS Conversation chat connects users through a telephone number.
Configurable options directly from this widget are to sort by all, favorites, or unread and to search by a User's name. Type a User's partial or full name to find Conversations where they are a member.
User Active / Inactive Status
Located next to the user's login name, a green circle indicates that the Communicator connection is active. A red circle indicates that the connection is lost and no calls can be shown. This typically means there is no Internet connection. However, if the logged-in user does not have a Personal Extension, then the following message will also appear: "No extensions configured. You must have at least one personal extension to use Crexendo Communicator".
The directory allows users to see the presence information as well as the current status of another user in the system. A user can only view system-wide directories created by an admin that they have permission to access, or a directory they personally created. Multiple directories can be enabled at one time under settings.
Hovering over a directory member displays the following actions:
- call (if that user has soft phone enabled)
- internal chat (if that user has QuickConnect enabled)
- external chat (SMS/MMS)
Availability Status
Users have the option to change their availability. An "Available" status allows all incoming calls to popup on screen. A "Do Not Disturb" status will send all incoming phone calls to the final destination (the Personal Extension's voicemail is the default final destination). The background color of a directory member who has a "do not disturb" status is an easily identifiable shade of red.