Log In
1. Log into the Crexendo VIP Portal with your credentials using:
https://portal.crexendovip.com. When prompted, enter your username and
2. Click on the Phone icon.
3. Click on Activate Phone icon.
4. A new dialog box will appear and enter the extension of the desired telephone then
press the Call button.
5. That telephone will ring. Answer it and when the greeting asks for your password, enter
your voice mail password then press # then click Done. Your extension is now
assigned to this telephone.
Log Out
1. Log into the Portal with your credentials.
2. Click on the Phone icon.
3. On the right side of your screen, under the Activate Phone box, locate the red X.
Click this X.
4. Within the new dialog box, click Yes to release your extension from this telephone.
• If a previous user forgot to log out, your log in credentials will override their previous log in.
• If you are logged into your VIP Mobile app, your mobile app will not ring while you are
logged into your temporary phone, making it important to always log out of your temporary
telephone before you leave.
Hotel. hoteling feature