Personal numbers are non-Crexendo numbers that can be programmed for limited use within the Crexendo system. Personal Numbers have a few uses, both in terms of call flow and forwarding.
How to Add a Personal Number
1. Login to the Crexendo portal, and go to Numbers. Click on the gear cog to the right of Personal Numbers, and then click Add.
2. A window will pop up with multiple fields that need to be filled out:
a. Phone Number: the number that is going to be entered into the system. Each number has to be entered in as 10 digits, otherwise calls will not route/forward correctly.
b. Label: internal field that is used to help identify the number in question.
c. Owner: the user that owns the Personal Number. This setting will default to the user adding the number in, but can be modified to be owned by any user.
d. Kind: the “type” of number that is being added. The 4 kinds are
e. Hunt Timeout: the amount of time that a call will ring the designated number for (if in a ring group).
3. Once all the fields are filled out, click Add and the number will be added into the Crexendo portal, and is now ready for use.