Crexendo offers 3 options for offloading, backing up or uploading your call recordings. This process will copy the WAV,
ACC files from our media servers to a server that is managed by the customer by creating "Phone Rules" in the Crexendo
portal to upload via the protocol of your choice.
Note: Crexendo only provides the information on entering the settings for these options within the Crexendo portal. The server side setup including but not limited to port, username, password and any network configurations are the responsibility of the customer.
Three options:
1. FTP Server
2. SFTP Server
3. Dropbox
Once you have decided the type of server you would like to upload your files you will need to build one of these servers
on your network.
Typically your network administrator will open ports (SFTP 22, FTP 21) and create port forwarding rules so the FTP/SFTP
server can be accessed by a public IP Address.
Dropbox does not require this setup as it is a cloud based storage system.
Dropbox Setup:
o Setup a Dropbox account
o Log into your Crexendo portal
o Create an "Upload Rule" under the "Phone Rules" tab
o In the Upload Rule choose "Upload to Dropbox"
o Copy the "Authorization URL" and paste it into your browser where have already logged into your Dropbox
o Click "Allow"
o Your will be presented with an "Access Code," copy this access code into the "Dropbox Upload Rule" on the
Crexendo Portal. Please view screen shots below:
o Optionally you can:
• Add a fold you would like the recordings to be placed into.
• Set an error notification email.
o Hit the back "Dropbox Upload" button to save
FTP/SFTP Server Configuration:
o Log into your Crexendo portal
o Create an "Upload Rule" under the "Phone Rules" tab
o In the Upload Rule choose "FTP or SFTP"
o You will need the following items that you have setup on your FTP/SFTP servers:
o Hostname: (public ip address or FQDN)
o Port: (communication port your server is configured for)
o Option for Connection Mode:
• FTP - normal
• FTP with TLS/SSL (Explicit) - encrypts channel control
• FTP with TLS/SSL (Implicit) - encrypts channel control
o Username:
o Password:
o Passive: (uses the PASV command to communicate, not the port command)
o Folder: (specify a folder to place these recordings)
o Notify on Upload error: (specify an email address to notify if an upload fails)
o Hit the back button "Rule" to save
o Hostname: (public ip address or FQDN)
o Port: (communication port your server is configured for)
o Username:
o Password:
o Folder: (specify a folder to place these recordings)
o Notify on Upload error: (specify an email address to notify if an upload fails)
o Hit the back button "Rule" to save